The fashion division of Rudolf Group at Kingpins Show
RUDOLF GROUP goes even beyond. After launching the fashion division HUB 1922, during the latest edition of Kingpins Show in Amsterdam (April 2019) the company specialized in chemicals introduced unexpected associations.
Technical ingredients become “the” material for new denim aesthetic with real functionality for apparel in line with industry, not seasonal trends. But that’s not all, because Alberto Conti – Head of Rudolf Fashion Division, adds creativity, broad vision, critical thinking and logical deduction, more than the desire to stir it all up and intelligently explore unexpected associations of available solutions. Rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know, with technicians and designers working together and looking afresh at some of the aspects that are normally taken for granted.
When it comes to the areas of focus for denim and beyond, two separate components contribute to the umbrella concept called unexpected associations:
1. The first component, contributing to the aesthetic dimension, is the further technical perfection of the HypNO product family, which is now significantly optimized in its formula. This ultimate alternative to both potassium permanganate and hypochlorite is a truly global solution available around the World and is a whole new approach to denim finishing.
2. The second component, made by the collection of functional, technical innovations launched throughout 2018, inject a layer of intelligent ingredients that make the final product executions beautiful garments as well as yardsticks of quality.
“The most remarkable thing about Rudolf and HUB1922 is our capacity to research, to overcome, to create, to transform and to be greater than the obstacles we find” says Dr. Schumann, General Manager of RUDOLF GROUP.
Olivia Meyer